American Born Chinese (TV series)
American Born Chinese is an action comedy television program developed by Kelvin Yu for Disney+. Tenth-grader Jin Wang, who struggles to fit in with his peers, is the main character. He unintentionally becomes involved in a conflict between famous Chinese gods, including Sun Wukong (Daniel Wu) and Guanyin (Michelle Yeh), when assigned to showing incoming exchange student Wei-Chen. The series is based on Jean Luen Yang’s 2006 graphic novel American Born Chinese, which combines aspects of Chinese folktales and mysticism with the well-known Chinese novel Journey to the West. Yang was inspired by his teenage years in the 1990s.
The eight-episode season made its Disney+ debut on May 24, 2023. Reviewers’ reactions upon its release were mainly positive. Reviewers called it one of the best offerings on Disney+ and praised the way it moved across cultural boundaries.
The Basis
Narrates the tale of Jin Wang, a Chinese adolescent who was born in America and is portrayed by Ben Wang. Jin Wang’s parents were immigrants from China. He attempts to join the football team, collects manga, and is on a quest to deal with his identity as he strives to discover who he is. Wei-chan, an exchange student, shows up one day at Jin’s school (Jimmy Liu). Wei Chen, who did not grow up in America as Jin did, is brash and opinionated and does not share Jin’s self-doubt and fears. Jin occasionally feels ashamed to be friends with Wei-chan since she is so different.
Wei-Chen is revealed to be the son of Sun Wukong, also known as the Monkey King (played by Daniel Wu), a famous figure in Chinese literature. Wei Chen has a dream that the legendary Fourth Scroll can stop the Rebellion against Heaven. The dream also told him that an ordinary young man would help him in his search. So Wei-Chun steals his father’s magic staff and now, disguised as a high schooler, is on Earth looking for the scroll in California, convinced that Jin is the normal teenager from his prophetic dream.
Jin Wang is an average teenager who balances high school and home life. When he meets a new foreign student on the first day of school, even more worlds collide as Jin unwittingly becomes embroiled in a war with the Chinese gods.
Release Information
The first two episodes of American Born Chinese, which made its global premiere at South by Southwest on March 15, 2023, were shown at the Paramount Theatre in Austin, Texas. Ben Wang, Daniel Wu, Chen Han, and Sidney Taylor from the cast, as well as executive producers Calvin Yu, Melvin Marr, and Jean Luen Yang, were present. On Disney+, the show debuted on May 24, 2023.
- Ben Wang as by Jin Wang
- Yeo Yann Yann as by Christine Wang
- Chin Han as by Simon Wang
- Ke Huy Quan as by Freddy Wong
- Jimmy Liu as by Wei-Chen
- Sydney Taylor as by Amelia
- Daniel Wu as by Sun Wukong
- Michelle Yeoh as by Guanyin
- Stephanie Hsu as by Shiji Niangniang
- Poppy Liu as by Princess Iron Fan
- Ronny Chieng as by Ji Gong
- Rosalie Chiang as by Suzy Nakamura
- James Hong as by Jade Emperor
- Lisa Lu as by Ni Yang
- Jimmy O. Yang as by Dragon King
- Leonard Wu as by Niu Mowang
- Tim Bagley as by Simon’s Boss
- Ethan Rich as by Greg
American Born Chinese (TV series) Trailer
Name | Information |
TV series | American Born Chinese |
Created | Kelvin Yu ✔ |
Based | American Born Chinese by Gene Luen Yang ✔ |
Music | Wendy Wang |
Country | United States |
Languages | English Mandarin |
No. of seasons | 1 To 8 |
Producers | Kelvin Yu Destin Daniel Cretton Asher Goldstein Jake Kasdan Melvin Mar Erin O’Malley Gene Luen Yang |
Cinematography | Brett Pawlak Alan Poon ✔ |
Companies | Mister John The Detective Agency Family Owned 20th Television |
Network | Disney+ |
Release Date | May 24, 2023 |
Superstar | Ben Wang Yeo Yann Yann Chin Han Ke Huy Quan |
Movie Trailer
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